Friday, June 12, 2020
Disaster Relief Hero Awards Symbol
Join Us to honor our Disaster Relief Hero Awards Recipients: Danny Flores & Steve Purello and Nicole Hazelgren
Disaster Relief Hero Awards Symbol
Join Us to honor our Disaster Relief Hero Awards Recipients: Danny Flores & Steve Purello and Nicole Hazelgren
The Disaster Relief Hero Awards celebrates and honors individuals that through their actions or walk of life during natural disasters have gone above and beyond to save lives. Every year our nation experiences numerous accounts of natural disasters from hurricanes, tornados, floods and earthquakes to name a few. These individuals have created immediate impact in communities nationwide.
The Disaster Relief Hero Awards were established by Mercy Flight Southeast, an organization dedicated to arranging over 2,000 flights each year in five eastern states and the Caribbean. Mercy Flight Southeast recognized the need for a national platform to increase awareness and support for the use of aviation by the aviation community to provide free transportation for humanitarian purposes.
The Disaster Relief Hero Awards are dedicated to:
Increasing awareness of the contributions of aviation to the public good
Encouraging more pilots and aircraft owners to become engaged in charitable flying